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NPC Max Muscle 2018

Yesterday, all of the hours I put in at the gym and all of the macros I counted since January 5th finally paid off. I competed in my first NPC bikini competition after a 16-week long prep. There is so much to be said about the experience, from prep to the stage and beyond. I will do at least two more related posts to talk about the day-of and preparing for a debut competition, so stay tuned for those over the next week or so. For now, I just want to talk about the EXCITEMENT.

The weekend before the competition, NPC Max Muscle Virginia and So You Want to Compete hosted a stage preview for competitors. It was during this preview, that the whole experience became real. I had been preparing for 15 weeks at this point. But at this event I realized I was actually going on stage - I was putting myself out there to be judged. My nerves kicked into full gear that day and I had to put in effort to control it through show day. Once I got to the competition this weekend, I was still a bundle of nerves, but I was also excited. I made it far enough to where I was comfortable putting myself on stage without feeling out of place. 16-weeks of hard work and sacrifices were not going to waste. The entire day was incredible; Max Muscle put on an excellent show and supported every competitor. No one was left wondering what to do, which as a true novice, was so appreciated. I met so many hard-working, dedicated, and helpful women. I met women I thought were #goals from their physique to their confidence, and I met women as nervous as I was if not more. It was all very humbling.

I didn't place and as I've said, I was okay knowing I wouldn't place going into the competition. My goal was to not embarrass myself by stumbling in my heels and I accomplished that. It was when my class went out on stage for finals that I was no longer okay with that goal. As soon as they called Fifth Place, I knew I had to place in a show. Why put in all this work to be okay with staying on the back line? I'm addicted to this sport and will compete again. I can set bigger goals for myself and achieve them. I can get the body composition I have in mind. I can put more effort into posing practice. I can build the confidence to have the show presence bikini competitors need. The show was such a high - my passion for competing is on fire. I don't think you can really understand the sport unless you are in it or the support system for someone in it. I so admire all of the women (novice and pro) who put in the work, build healthy, fit bodies, put themselves out there, and support other women! Now time for some shout-outs: Peter - You were with me when the idea to compete popped in to my head and you supported me ever since. We've had a lot on our plates this year (you know, planning that little event coming up this weekend) and you let me put even more on our plate. You helped keep me committed to my plan, joined me at the gym, and sacrificed a lot of good meals to settle for what I was eating. You helped me through long days, self-doubt, and food cravings. I owe you the biggest steak, oh, and how about a wedding cake. How about in 6 days? I love you! (Oh! and thanks for that delicious Duck Donut after finals!)

Mom - You never question what I'm doing. You support my decisions as long as my heart is in them. Your encouragement and praise helped push me through these last 16 weeks. Having you at the competition and the night before helped my nerves, mindset, and stress level. You helped me get on that stage even if you don't realize it. I got my stubbornness and tenacity from you ;)

Melanie, my coach - My interest in fitness is at least half because of you. You have overcome and persevered through so much and when you started bodybuilding I was so inspired. You've pushed yourself and stuck to something that takes dedication. Over the last couple of years, you have taken me from someone who never considered fitness a part of my life to someone who has gained a lot of confidence and improved my lifestyle exponentially. Thank you for all of your support and for putting up with all of my questions!

Gold's Gym, Merrifield Staff - I spoke with a few staff members throughout my prep who offered their support and enthusiasm, along with some tips. I thought I was a nameless face coming in and out but several of them asked me how my progress was coming and remembered my show date. It's just nice to know that your gym is full of supportive, attentive people.

Heather - We met once through Rachel and you were willing to let me borrow your GORGEOUS bikini! Honestly, if it weren't for this, I would not have been able to afford to compete when I did. You literally made my dream possible. Good luck at your show in May!!

Shawn - I believe you were the deciding factor in whether or not I went on stage. When we met for our one-on-one I thought I would be so out of place on stage. You built my confidence in a single hour. You encourage, inspire, and support so many women and I can't wait to work with you more down the road. You are my #goals ;)

There were many other friends and family who helped me along the way in a variety of ways and I appreciate every bit of it. That's it for today. Stayed tuned for more about the whole process. Feel free to email me, especially if you'd like to get started in the world of bikini! I'm not an expert, but I can point you to some great resources and be your cheering squad! -The Girl

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