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Caffeine Addiction

My addiction began at Starbucks. I was "basic" and wanted to like coffee. So I started trying everything on the menu. Frappuccinos are an obvious choice for anyone who doesn't like coffee but wants to get something off the menu. Frapps are loaded with sugar and flavor (vanilla, caramel, cinnamon dolce, cinnamon roll, horchata, java chip😍, mocha, midnight mint mocha, smores, white chocolate...need I go on?) These are delicious and you can likely find one you like, unless you just don't like sweets, in which case I commend you. Then I heard the words "Pumpkin Spice Latte" strung together in a heavenly melody. The PSL has everything I could ask for in a drink: espresso, deliciousness, happiness, all in one little cup. Ok, ok, all in one Grande cup. I get it iced and drink it like water. Call me basic, I have no shame, I love the stuff, gosh darn it! Quick Nutritional Comparison:

I'm not saying the 2nd option is great, but I'm a realist, and sometimes you need to satisfy that Starbucks PSL craving. Make better choices, make one simple change!

From the PSL, I slowly explored other options - some just as sweet, and some less, slowly beginning to like the taste of coffee and espresso more and more. Unfortunately for me, I'm not just addicted to the caffeine, it's the sugar I put in there too. Current fave: iced macchiatos.

(This looks healthy, right?)

I am on Day 2 of a 3-day detox. It's a whole-food based detox, so don't worry, I'm still eating and not just drinking juice. I am withdrawing from caffeine. I am jonesing for it and have a mild headache. Other caffeine withdrawals I may have to look forward to include: ►sleepiness and lethargy - this makes sense

►irritability - I experienced this during the Whole30, ask my fiance

►constipation - caffeine stimulates your bowel, as in coffee makes you poo!

►"the blues"



Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. Our adenosine receptors "eat" it right up; adenosine receptors tell our brains when to rest. Caffeine blocks this response, thus we have more energy. As we continue to use caffeine, our brains attempt to fight this by creating more adenosine receptors. This causes our tolerance to caffeine, whether from a PSL or chocolate bar, to increase. The higher our tolerance, the harder the detox. In all, I will be completely caffeine free for 24 days. After the 3-day detox, I have 2 other phases of a nutritional program. Those 2 phases seem much nicer and I can't wait to get to Day 4! I know myself - once the 24 days are over, I will consume caffeine again. BUT my addiction will be milder and I will make a point to practice self-control. Until PSL season, then Lord help me. Maybe we can start a support/accountability group to resist our "basic" urges to flock to Starbucks.

Check back in two days to see how I'm feeling post-detox phase! And if you have a caffeine addiction (be honest, you do) I challenge you to go just one week without it, cold turkey. Or if you're feeling bold check out the nutrition program I'm doing and join me: Detox Cleanse Nourish

If you have any questions, drop me a line at

-The Girl

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