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Progress Takes Many Forms

Week 3 of my 6-week cutting program started today. I woke up, went to the gym, took progress pictures, showered, checked in with my coach, went to work, counted macros, and reflected. 

If you've been reading my blog lately, you may picked up on the fact that I haven't been feeling great about my appearance lately. I won't say how much I've gained in the past year again, but feel free to go back and read my post "An Honest Check-in." Last year, when I started working out regularly and tracking macros, the progress was rather instant. I lost fat, my body toned up, my strength increased. You can hate me for that if you'd like; I envy my last-year-self for being able to do that too. This go-round has been slower and I've been hesitant to take and post "progress pictures."

Today, I decided to get over that.

I took the pictures and put them side by side with ones I took on Day 6 of this program. There is slight visible progress. And that's enough to keep me motivated. I know the progress I want is feasible and will come. All I have to do is keep on top of my workout routine, stay true to my macros, eat as clean as I can, and stick to intermittent fasting. That may sound like a lot, but its not. Intermittent fasting was an easier transition for me than I thought it would be. I love snacking and used to think I HAD to eat first thing in the morning. Now, my first meal is around 11am everyday and my last is within the following 8-hour window. I'm never starving, I'm eating the same amount of nutrients, and my energy levels aren't suffering. Being able to do I.F. is progress in my book. It helps with my goal and I've been sticking to it. I shouldn't discount that. (Go me!) Working out 6 days a week sounds like a lot, but when I go into the gym in the morning, I see people that I know go in the evenings too. And I see them every time I go. If they can go twice a day, why wouldn't I be able to go once a day 6 days a week?

I think cardio is where I've made the most progress. I no longer HATE it. I can do 30-mins HIIT without feeling miserable wishing I were anywhere else. I do it, I listen to a podcast or watch a movie in the Cardio Cinema, and when I'm done, I feel fantastic. Being covered in sweat after messing with my cortisol for half an hour feels great. I ran my second-ever 5K on the Fourth of July. Now for some reason I have this crazy idea that I want to run a half marathon. And I want to do it this year. (If my boyfriend is reading this, I hope he's ready to train with me 😜 He's a much better runner than I am and I'm going to need a good running buddy). If you have tips for training for a half marathon, please drop me a message from the Contact section. I could use all the help I can get.

 I've decided that progress is progress, whether it's appearances, mood, routine, or mindset. I'm getting better every day.

That's it for today. I'm going to head into DC for a midweek date night! Oh, but before I go, I have to add that I did notice my biceps in the mirror while I was doing my hair to get ready 😉 -The Girl

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