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Day 49 - Setback

Ok, this is a hard blog to write. As you can see, I missed a couple weeks of updating my blog and this one will mostly be an admission of failure. My job sent me to California for a few days two weekends ago. The hotel gym was lackluster, consisting of a couple treadmills and free weights. I did make the most of them and got in a lot of beach cardio. It was absolutely beautiful and who can resist a walk along the Pacific Ocean. Oh, and there were A LOT of super fit (and tan) people out there. And then there was the food - this is where I failed. I had two cheat meals. Rather, two super cheat meals. Cheat Meal #1 was a delicious, cheesy burrito at a rooftop Mexican restaurant that I indulged in with a coworker. She's also been trying to eat better and I must say, we failed each other in encouraging the other to stick to it. Our second Cheat Meal was at another bay-side rooftop restaurant. It included a crab-stuffed artichoke to share and a shrimp and fish taco for each of us. I could talk about this food all day in great detail. I LOVE food. But when I got on the plane to come home, I felt awful. I was so disappointed in myself, I'd been doing so well with my clean eating. My focus continued to falter this past week as well, though not nearly as bad. I missed a gym day too, but made up for it the next day.

Now that my confession is out, which I also just told my coach about in my weekly check-in, here is my resolve: stick strictly to my clean eating and allowed macros, don't miss a workout even if I plan to "make up for it" the next day, and crush my cardio! This is the final week of my original 8-week clean eating and cutting program. While I am sad I faltered in my dedication to the program, I am coming back full force this week and will continue to push myself. We all have to admit our slip-ups and keep moving. I still have the same goals and I will keep pushing until I meet them.

If you've read my "About" section, you know I have a silly goal of being able to do a headstand. I did my first pseudo-headstand against a wall while I was in California. For my final blog about this 8-week program, I am going to post what will surely be a funny video of me attempting another headstand. As for my BMI goal, I will need to go get that measured to see if I've accomplished it. However, after my failure, I'm not confident in that one.

I'll be back in a week to conclude my 8-week program! I'm going to continue working just as hard on my fitness goals after this program is done, so keep checking back after next week.

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