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Day 1

Welcome to my first blog post ever! I promise I will (try to) make it better as I go. I would love your input - you can send me a message from the "Contact" section. Today is Day 1 of my 8-week cutting and clean eating program. My online coach, Melanie, is a former co-band geek from my high school and an incredible inspiration. Her commitment to her goals is mind blowing and I couldn't resist signing up for whatever she had to teach me! She has provided me with not only a workout plan, but a meal plan and grocery list. The grocery list really helped me make sure I didn't bring any "unclean" foods back from the grocery store with me. Turns out soda isn't clean, who knew!? Just kidding, but soda will be one of the hardest to quit. This is Day 1 and I've already experienced a caffeine withdrawal headache - something to fix. Also helping me stay on track with my meal plan and macros is the app MyFitnessPal. Go download it now, seriously. Even if you aren't setting macro limits, it will really help you be more aware of what you are putting into your body and how unnecessary some of it is.

Today was my meal prep day, which I will be doing on Sundays from now on. How do you tackle meal prep? Send me a message with your tips and I will put them to use and feature them in my next blog post!

Dinner - I had to finish off my fingerling potatoes from yesterday, but sweet potatoes will be taking their place.
Meal Prep - veggies, protein, quinoa

Ok, out of the kitchen and into the gym. Today was my back and bis day along with 30 minutes with public enemy #1 - the StairMaster. When I started my first 6-week program with Melanie, I struggled to do 5 minutes on the StairMaster at level one. Embarrassing, right? That endurance definitely built up during that time. It's a love/hate relationship because it is HARD, but once it's over, I feel great. Now she has me doing HIIT for half an hour!! Two things essential for my workout, Amino IV during and Select Protein after, both from PEScience.

I will be sharing weekly progress pictures on Sundays, no matter how hard it is to actually post. Below is me on Day 0 at 136lbs, roughly 20.5 BMI. I'll be having my BMI professionally measured this week so that I can track it better.

Again, please feel free to send me a message. Let me know what you like or dislike about the blog, about your own fitness story, or even if you spot a typo :)

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